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来源:服务合同 时间:2023-04-29 本文由可可 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
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  1.1 甲方将对乙方拥有的叉车提供每季度的定期上门保养服务。每台车每年(或每_________小时)保养4次。

  1.2 完成每次保养服务之后,_________将向乙方提供一份叉车状况报告,其中包括建议采取的措施。

  1.3 甲方将向乙方提供每年一次免费的日常检查培训。

  1.4 _________叉车平均使用寿命为_________年(_________小时),视各行业的设备使用年限标准而不同。

  1.5 _________叉车的质保期为_________小时或一年,保修期内,提供四次免费保养。  2.乙方的责任

  2.1 甲方将提供保养用润滑脂及润滑油,保养所需易损件需另行购买。

  2.2 乙方应填写简短报告,并将其传真给_________办事处,以便_________安排保养及维修工作。

  2.3 乙方将在收到发票后一个月内付给甲方保养及其它服务或维修费用。

  2.4 乙方须在双方约定的时间将叉车提供给甲方维修人员做保养。否则须向甲方维修人员付等候费每小时_________元。


  3.1 每台叉车每年四(4)次定期保养服务,收费为人民币_________元(即rmb_________/次/每台车)。交通费免收。

  3.2 其它不在保修期限内的维修或故障修理的费用为每小时_________元,另收配件费。

  3.3 结算方式:每完成一次结算一次。




  5.1 协议期满后,双方将回顾协议的条款条件及执行情况,以决定是否更新或终止。

  5.2 在协议执行期间,如双方不能达成一致以解决冲突或争执,任何一方都可提前三十天书面通知另一方以终止协议。

  甲方(签字):_________   乙方(签字):_________

  _________年____月____日   _________年____月____日


  typical maintenance agreement

  1.party a responsibilities

  (1)party a will provide year/ 3 month periodical maintenance service to the forklift trucks owned by party b in party b ’s factory. this periodical maintenance service will be carried out for four (4) times per year(or per _________ hours)for each unit.

  (2)a condition report with recommend action to be taken will be come out to party b after completing each periodical maintenance service.

  (3)daily check training will be conducted to party b ’s forklift operators once a year for free of charge.

  (4)the average life of _________ truck is _________years (_________ hours), which may vary in different field of industry according to its own use.

  2.party b responsibilities

  (1)grease and all kinds of lubrication oil will be provided by party a . parts will be purchased by the party b .

  (2)party b complete a short report , and fax it to _________ office who will used these information to schedule the maintenance and other repair.12

  (3)party b will pay _________ invoices for the maintenance service and other additional service or repair within one month after receipt of the invoices.

  (4)make sure the truck will be available for _________ mechanic to carry on the maintenance job at the agreed time by both parties.otherwise will pay for the cost of one waiting mechanic for rmb_________ per an hour.

  3.service fee

  (1)_________ hour / 3 month periodical maintenance service to the forklift truck will be charged for rmb_________ for four (4) times a year to one truck(rmb_________/time/unit). free trafffic fee.

  (2)any other service and breakdown repair that is not covered by warranty will be charged on hours spent against rate of rmb_________ per hour, plus parts replaced.

  (3)settlement term: settle after maintenance every time.

  4.term of the agreement

  this agreement shall have a term of _________months, commencing on 12 months or _________operation hours whichever comes first.

  5.renew and termination

  (1)by the end of the term, both parties will review this agreement with its terms and conditions, and service performance to renew or terminate it.

  (2)during the course of the performance of the agreement, if the parties cannot reach an agreement to resolve a conflict or dispute, either party may terminate the agreement by giving the other party a written notice 30 days in advance.

  party a(signature):_________   party b(signature): _________

  date:_________________________   date:__________________________



相关热搜:叉车  上门  保养  协议  服务  

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