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来源:辞职报告 时间:2023-11-12 本文由沐沐 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
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  i am offering my resignation as operations manager of the xxx plant, effective may 15. as of now, i’m not quite sure where i’ll be looking for employment and am toying with the idea of turning one of my life-long hobbies into a profit-making enterprise.

  frankly, vernon, i was deeply disappointed the vacancy of general manager was filled by someone from outside the company. through years of excellent performance appraisals, i was led to believe i was in line for that position. under the circumstances, i think you’ll understand my decision to resign.

  i do appreciate the management training i’ve been given here; it has indeed prepared me well for almost any general business career i decide to pursue. my best wishes for the company’s continued growth.


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