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来源:英语演讲稿 时间:2023-08-25 本文由夏夏 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
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  Greetings everybody.

  It's a pleasure to be here.

  It's an honor to speak with you.

  I have a favorite proverb.

  I'm here to share it.

  It's simply forgive and forget.

  It's sound advice.

  It's a powerful thing to do.

  Here's why you should forgive and forget.

  First,remember that forgiveness is golden.

  It's the kindest of traits.

  It takes great courage to forgive.

  Forgive the one who wronged you.

  Let go of the resentment.

  Let happiness enter your life.

  Always make up.

  Always bury the hatchet.

  Always be quick to forgive.

  Second,forgiving others is healthy.

  It will eliminate stress.

  It also relieves hurtful tension.

  Forgiving gives you a fresh start.

  That is good for your heart.

  That's also good for your spirit and mind.

  Anger is like a poison.

  Anger is very unhealthy.

  Forgiveness is the best cure there is.

  Third,forgiveness improves everybody.

  Both sides learn compassion.

  Both parties learn the magic of mercy.

  Forgiving empowers you.

  It makes you stronger.

  It will also make you much more mature.

  It's a great learning experience.

  It teaches a valuable lesson.

  Forgiving others makes you smarter and wiser.

  Fourth,do your best to forget.

  Make up your mind to start fresh.

  Make a decision to forget the past.

  Time heals all wounds.

  You can't be upset forever.

  You must try to quickly forget.

  We ll have painful memories.

  We're all experienced hurt.

  Try your best to let it go.

  In conclusion,remember nobody is perfect.

  We all make mistakes.

  We all must forgive and forget.

  A famous poet once wrote,

  "To err is human,to forgive divine."

  Remember that to be wise.

  thank you everyone.

  I hope you've understood my message.

  Forgive and forget the past.


相关热搜:既往不咎  ForgiveandForget  

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