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来源:英文导游词 时间:2023-09-19 本文由倩倩 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
大理崇圣寺三塔英文导游词 - 云南大理英文导游词

  Welcome, everyone!Today we are going to visit the three pagodas temple of Dali.

  Before we got the three pagodas temple, I would like to give you a brief introduction of Dali. Why is it called “Dali”? As we all know Dali has a long history. After the Kingdom of NanZhao, Duansiping Established the Kingdom of Dali. “li” this Chinese word refers to “manners”, indicated the hope of the king that make his country a prosperous and civilized place.

  OK, everyone, we are now at the Three Pagodas.These three pagodas make a beautiful picture,right?

  Three Pagodas are the symbol of Dali,they have a history of more than 1,000 years. The major Pagoda, we call it “千寻”,built during the period of NanZhao State, stands 69 meters in height and is divided into 16 tiers. Each tier is inlaid with the statues of Buddha. Its front"s four Chinese characters are quite striking, meaning “Ensuring Tranquility to Mountains and Rivers Forever.”

  I am sure you have noticed the two small pagodas. They were built at the beginning of 10th century during the period of Dali State. Each Stands 42 meters in height and is divided into 10 tiers. They are made from bricks.

  After visiting the temple, we will go to enjoy the other place of interests, Ok ,Let’s go, everyone.


相关热搜:大理  导游词  英文  云南  

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