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来源:英语演讲稿 时间:2023-08-25 本文由真真 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
关于邻居的英语演讲 - 儿童英语演讲:我的邻居

  My neighborhood is nice.

  It's my home sweet home.

  I feel comfortable there.

  I live in the city.

  My home is ina high rise.

  It's quiet,safe and clean.

  The location is convenient.

  Everything we need is nearby.

  I can walk to school in minutes.

  My neighbors are friendly.

  Everyone is kind and polite.

  Everyone smiles and say hello.

  We watch out for each other.

  We carev about the environment.

  we always hold cleanup activities.

  I like the older neighbors best.

  They are gentle and sweet.

  They often give me food and other treats.

  There ia a small park close by.

  It has a new playground.

  That's where I play with friends.

  My community is special.

  It's perfect to me.

  I'd never want to move.

  How's your neighborhood?

  Do you like where you live.

  I hope you love your home,too. 


相关热搜:英语  演讲  邻居  儿童  

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