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来源:毕业赠言 时间:2023-05-31 本文由珠珠 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
毕业英语赠言给学生 - 毕业英语赠言


  1、Think back to the usual time of the class play noisy, chase after fun, the nose is sour. Where were the annoying people I used to play a lot? Oh, I don't hate them at all; The man that I hide in my heart, how is it now?

  2、Three years in the same window, a piece of sunshine; How many pages of friendship have been written in a thousand days? May the days that have passed away be turned into fond memories. Stay in your heart.

  3、The sea of life has paved the golden path, and the waves are rolling in the welcome bouquet. Be brave, my friend! In front of the sea snails that have been blown; The rosy clouds are flying the bright red flags...

  4、A noble ideal is the beacon of life. With it, life has a direction; With it, the heart feels full. Take a firm step and move towards the goal, class!

  5、Graduation, and a little more mature, and a little, freed from the usual daily homework pressure, but, away from the best friends, away from the heart of the people.

  6、I can't forget them, I can only bless you sincerely.

  7、The man who once stayed in my heart may never appear before me.

  8、Don't make life and ideal look like the moon of fifteen or sixteen, it is composed of Yin, qing, circle and lack, be practical, and wish everyone "fine" more.

  9、It's not going to be all that good, and it might make you think that god is trying to be against you, but it turns out, that's it, that you're growing. This is the life, the bumpy life.

  10、The rosy ideal is beckoning to us. My classmate, break up in namely, need not ask what day meeting, we are a drop of water, all will be active in the motherland of the sea!

  11、After graduation, the laughter around me is gone, and the only thing that accompanies me all day is boredom and loneliness. I once said to them, "graduation, I will forget all of you!" This sentence sounds very strange, but, if I don't forget, do not cry everyday? However, six years of feeling, it is not so easy to forget, when I am very lonely, in the mind of a familiar face. It turned out that they had been deeply impressed on my mind.

  12、Perhaps this is a transition in growth? I still have to go through middle school, college maybe, that's what it is for me, right? Make me stronger.

  13、In the past few years, you have sowed the seeds of friendship to my heart. I will silently take it away, carefully watered, cultivated, let it come to the day of flowers.

  14、The gathering is not the beginning, the scattering is not the end, and the countless beautiful moments of the same window, will be engraved in my memory forever...

  15、Tomorrow morning, I hope the clouds and the sun will accompany you to the end of the sea. Flowers and green grass will spread your great expectations. Sunrise and sunset, the full moon is short, it is always expected. Expect a call, an unexpected letter, a moment of joy, a long conversation, a bouquet of fresh flowers... Friends, I just look forward to a little joy -- from you.

  16、May you make a drop of bright water and project it into the vast ocean. To make a beautiful flower, a garden full of flowers; Make a twinkle of fiber and embroider the red flag; Be a small screw, stick to your post all your life...

  17、From all over the world, to the north and south. No matter where we go, no matter where we are, let us continue to fill in the * of our life, give up the excellent answer to our cause, and add luster to the flag of our Alma mater.

  18、"The test of all kinds of temptations and troubles is the most perfect mental health." After graduation, I hope you can stand the test and be a good society.

  19、Laughing and laughing in the mud of the trees, our joyful songs are left on the grass on the roadside... ... Every place of the Alma mater, we cherish our friendship, on the way home, scattered our innocent dreams, please always take my blessing!

  20、The gathering is not the beginning, the parting is not the end, you sow the seeds of friendship in my heart, the graduation gift. I will silently take it away, carefully watered, cultivated, let it come to the day of flowers. Please remember the happy days we spent together.

  21、Gather also hurriedly, scatter also hurriedly, flower bloom and fall is endless, only the friendship hides the heart.

  22、Before I leave, I give you a good dream, let him become your tough crutch; I give you a smart bag to make it your passport to life.

  23、The pure friendship you gave me is the one I will never forget, and I wish you better and better.

  24、It is you who let me in every corner of my Alma mater, leaving a good memory, you gave me the most sincere friendship, I will cherish forever.

  25、Although I am not with you soon, but we are the best friends, I will give you my best things, also want this sincere friendship, always treasure in the heart.

  26、All the loneliness, all but no friends lonely.

  27、We gather together from all corners of the world; We have joy, sorrow, smiles and tears, and through these six years, we have tested our friendship, and I will always cherish it in my heart!

  28、We often go to the same place and do our homework on the same table.

  29、We were comrades in arms; We were a happy couple. When we wave goodbye, please bring my best wishes!

  30、Sunshine will go, flowers will thank you, only you and my friendship, is eternal.

  31、May god bless you. May the Buddha bring you all your dreams. May the angel of beauty make you happy every day. May our sincere friendship be kept in our hearts forever.

  32、How happy the years together are, in the fragrance of the flower beds, treasures our little drops, of course also has our friendship and joy.

  33、Heartily congratulate you, with your wisdom, talent, courage and perseverance, open up a piece of your own world.

  34、May you, like the red maple leaf, tell the color of the sun in the baptism of wind and frost, and wish to become a pillar of the country at an early date.

  35、How to write your own history? Time is turning the page, young friend, please write seriously.

  36、Open your arms and welcome, my friend, this is the golden morning of years, the bright future of life!

  37、The mythical childhood world is far away from you, but it is the richer, greater reality that is embracing you.

  38、Jewel, once acquired, can know its value; The flower of youth, but often after fading, can know its preciousness.

  39、The footstep of youth can not linger the floor of lacquer wax, bright and clean asphalt road, or simply walk in flower bed.

  40、The ox has the fewest enjoyment and the greatest contribution. It eats grass and contributes to human flesh and milk, so it is best to be an old cow!

  41、Great buildings are always made of one stone. Why not make this one stone?

  42、Life is like a book, ignorant people leaf through it carelessly; The wise man was absorbed in reading it because he knew the book could only be read once.

  43、Ideal is the sail of life, perseverance is the oar of life, to achieve a career, both are indispensable. A lofty ideal is like the sun in one's heart, it can illuminate every step of life.

  44、Perseverance is a great and wonderful carving knife, so long as you hold it firmly, you will be able to carve out excellent marks under the stone of life.

  45、Don't let the pursuit of the boat anchor in the harbor of fantasy, but should raise the wind sail to the real life of the sea, the gift of the gift of graduation.

  46、After winter comes the spring, and the wind and snow break out of the sun. Man is to spend his life in such a situation.

  47、The man who is afraid of climbing mountains can only wander in the hollow forever. Man, like the word "man", should always go up with his feet on the ground.

  48、Life is like a cup of strong wine, and it will not be so delicious without three and five refinements.

  49、Life is to remember the ceaseless attack, who can follow this truth to live, whose heart will be forever pure and quiet.

  50、Do not sigh, do not complain! Since there are black spots on the sun, things are less likely to be without defects.

  51、To err is human. Don't allow yourself to be guilty of a moment of blame. Look up, you have a blue sky!

  52、Experience tells us that there is no such thing as absolute justice, so you should be open-minded.

  53、Don't linger on the past, it won't come again; Make the most of it now! That's your spirit.

  54、Life is always lost, there is always regret, there is no loss, where to look for, no regret, where to hope?

  55、The opportunity does not come to you, there is no shame, it is shameful to abandon the efforts of self-abandonment.

  56、Don't worry about the unknown, the seeds of the big tree in the earth as no one knows.

  57、Believe in life, believe in life, not because the first flight encountered clouds storm, doubt blue sky and white clouds!

  58、The stars and the moon together, the pearls and agate together; Crops and land together, happiness and labor together.

  59、Dream!!!! The dream child will become the ideal person; And the thought of health is the twin sister of genius!

  60、As long as the heart is still beating, the blood is still hot, must raise the head to be a person, be a real person, capital person.

  61、Life is too much rain, where there is no danger? Indomitable, walk out of happiness. Go on, emmer, stop!

  62、If you want to sail, you cannot be afraid of the sea. If you want to climb mountains, you cannot be afraid of mountains. You can't be afraid to study hard!

  63、Even in the midst of the wind, you should never flinch, fight in the rough seas, and climb mountains.

  64、The sandalwood begins with a tender seedling with only two leaves, and the child, as a child, gives the world a fragrant rosewood.

  65、The man thousand years zhi, the life is not limited, the big peng one day with the wind, rise and go up 90 thousand li!

  66、The best way to meet tomorrow is to concentrate all your intelligence, all your energy, and do your best work today.

  67、"The advantage is from the difficulty, the youth is not easy to light." But hope the industrious self excited, make a career.

  68、The more books you read, the closer you are to the world and the more light and meaningful your life will be.

  69、The things inherited from the ancestors must be renewed, or they will not be yours.

  70、Tomorrow's fate, even if you are smart, you can't predict or guess; Therefore, do not waste today, for it will not return.

  71、Don't count on the future, no matter how charming it is! Let the past be buried forever! Take action while you are today.

  72、You want to be like a mistletree, the forest wind blows the branches off, but the huge trunk is always straight.

  73、People, as long as there is a belief, a pursuit, what hardships can tolerate, what environment can adapt.

  74、The cherry tree is difficult to plant. There is nothing in life that can be obtained without great labor!

  75、Do you want to be a high school student who is mentally strong and rational? Then, love the book!

  76、A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. The first stone is the first stone. Learning is no different. Today is the day to remember, to tomorrow, and to learn.

  77、A hundred years of life today, today is not a pity. Today is the day of tomorrow.

  78、You are a green leaf, a leaf of spring. You can see a beautiful spring in your body.

  79、You are a drop of crystal water, shining the sun's golden. You are a green leaf, full of spring.

  80、"Life is not good, eight to nine", life can not have plain sailing, setbacks and failures are inevitable, but are often successful paving stones. I hope you don't get depressed, get excited, and explore again!

  81、May you make more good friends in the new class. May you be as beautiful as the stars in the sky.

  82、Shake hands, bless, and goodbye. Our hearts will always be together, my hope: you do not forget me, I will not forget you.

  83、Hope: study, study, study again; Exercise, exercise, exercise; Study first, character first, body first, work first.

  84、May my blessing be a refreshing spring for your expedition. Comforting comfort in trouble; A victory celebration of flowers...

  85、Do you remember? At summer camp, we climbed a mountain, a swim, a song, a recitation... Look so happy and happy.

  86、The sun in the sky is warm, the student's heart is hot, our friendship -- is eternal!

  87、The dream is the bosom friend, the heart hides the friendship. The end of the world is far away, goodbye to the temporary separation. The innocence is still there, you and I are dependent.

  88、The moon, the stars, the sun, the Milky Way. Our hearts are as wide as the universe; Our hearts are as red as the sun.

  89、Remember, don't forget. One year later, the ratio is higher than the body; Than learning; Than grades; Than the high and low.

  90、You are an expert in stamp collecting, and at the moment of parting, give you a dog stamp, because you and I belong to the dog.

  91、Work hard to make progress. You can only make up for a moment. Time, cherish; Don't be lazy.

  92、The red scarf on the chest is floating, the study culture long mind, should strive to be high, wish you win the trophy.

  93、Study is regular, as long as not lazy, rely on your own efforts, careful to master, you will be successful.

  94、To realize our promise, we must work hard on our own and work hard so that we can succeed!


相关热搜:赠言  英语  毕业  

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