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来源:导游词范文 时间:2023-09-18 本文由小饼 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
肇兴侗寨的英语 - 肇兴侗寨英语导游词

  zhaoxing dong village

  zhaoxing dong village is one of the largest dong villages in guizhou. known as no.1 dong village, zhaoxing has over 800 households and more than 4,000 inhabitants. it lies in a basin surrounded by mountains and has one small river passing through. the serried stilted houses built on the hillside. they are all built of chinese fir with blue tile roofs.

  the village has a theater stage, singing platforms and grain barns. drum towers are the village 's special feature. there are five of them here, looking like five lotus flowers scattered in five naturally formed villages.

  zhaoxing village is also a cradle of dong festivals and dances. the important dong festivals include dong new year, the new harvest festival, sama festival and so on. there are many kinds of dong song and dance, among which the grand song (dage in chinese) is the best known. zhaoxing is also the place where dong people gather to perform the dong drama every year.

  the village has a theater stage, singing platforms and grain barns. drum towers are the village 's special feature. there are five of them here, looking like five lotus flowers scattered in five naturally formed villages.

  zhaoxing village is also a cradle of dong festivals and dances. the important dong festivals include dong new year, the new harvest festival, sama festival and so on. there are many kinds of dong song and dance, among which the grand song (dage in chinese) is the best known. zhaoxing is also the place where dong people gather to perform the dong drama every year.


相关热搜:肇兴  侗寨  导游词  英语  

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