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来源:即兴演讲 时间:2023-08-02 本文由沐沐 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
希望之星英语风采大赛初中组演讲稿 - 希望之星英语风采大赛初中组即兴演讲题目



  1. The country I’d most like to visit

  2. My Favourite kinds of foreign food

  3. What computer games might be like in 20 years

  4. My grandparents

  5. Computer games

  6. What age should you be allowed to use the internet

  7. Why it’s important to spend time outdoors

  8. Does technology make our lives easier?

  9. The most embarrassing day of my life

  10. Will there be a World War 3 in my lifetime

  11. I do/don’t believe in aliens because ……

  12. The worst kind of natural disasters

  13. What I think will happen in 20xx

  14. My favourite festival

  15. What I think of space travel

  16. The differences between Chinese and western schools

  17. Should Chinese health care be free?

  18. The disadvantages of being rich

  19. Which is more important: attractiveness or personality?

  20. What motivates me to work hard

  21. I would/wouldn’t like more independence from my parents because…

  22. The strangest dream I’ve had

  23. The scariest dream I’ve had

  24. The best dream I’ve had

  25. Fashion is/isn’t important to me because….

  26. Why a good sense of humour is important.

  27. My ideal weekend

  28. What makes a good friend

  29. What I would do if I was rich

  30. Should old people be allowed to drive?


相关热搜:初中组  之星  英语  即兴  演讲  题目  风采  大赛  希望  

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