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来源:保证书 时间:2023-01-16 本文由夏夏 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
客户保证书怎么写 - 国外客户保证书

   group is a leading group of country that is actively involved in businesses. a is a main subsidiary of group, specializing in import b products from china market and selling in country market,with annual import value more than 30 million u.s dollars.

  we are very pleased to dispatch the following employee of our company to china duing mar,, visiting our most trusted business partner, m/s c co., ltd. to discuss further business cooperation. we hereby guarantee that we will bear all relative costs produced during his staying in china,and we guarantee that he will obey all local laws and regulations there.

  namepositionpassport no.jsqchairmanxx1234567djqdirector farms and operationsxx7654321

  kindly please help with his visa issues.many thanks.

  stamp and signature

  a company


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