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来源:英语演讲稿 时间:2023-08-26 本文由可可 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
英语五分钟演讲稿大概需要写多少字? - 英语五分钟演讲稿

  during the growing up of everyone,s life.family play an important part in shaping one,s character,it is really the first school ,it was here that we achieve moral edification from the deep love of our perants which is almost throughout our daliy life.we won,t relinquish the standards of behaviour that our parents teach us until the light of life went out..

  gertainly the supreme good and beautiful is 亲情.in our parents' eyes, we are always growing child, under the parents, attentive careness,we grow up, it seems that we deserve the love from parents ,they should even must give us love for free,,what a stupid thought! its time to wake me up.i dont want to be a 自私 girl for the sake of so-called 爱情 ignored 亲情and friendship____everyone should not.otherwise it will be your biggest filure...... there goes a saying

  who grass-inch heart offer three apartments (谁言寸草心,报得三春晖)at this moment,i want to say sincerely to my parent: i really love you ! since then i'll take a good look at my own behavior, let parents feel the real action from your little child filial piety (孝心),you're the most important person in my life ,in the parents' mind, children happiness is their greatest pleasure,but now,i want to say ,parents health is the biggest motivation of children .


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