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来源:英语演讲稿 时间:2023-08-26 本文由媛媛 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
低碳生活英语演讲稿 - 低碳英语演讲稿

  low-carbon economy and life style (经济与生活方式)

  author unknown 

  good morning, ladies and gentleman,

  imagine a world when you wake up in a hot and stuffy weather, while the sky is no longer blue, the streets are crowded with annoying cars with the buzzing sound and the exhaust pipes blow out this horrible black smoke. what is your feeling about it?

  in our current society, we can’t be more familiar with the phrase ----the low carbon economy. we all take it for granted due to the fact the concept of low carbon economy enjoys a higher and higher popularity in our daily life, especially after today’s speech contestj .but how can we achieve the goal of low carbon economy?

  while some hold the opinion that it is a matter of the government or it is the business of some big enterprises or companies, and it has nothing to do with us. however, to achieve the aim of low carbon economy, the efforts of governments or enterprises is far from enough. low carbon economy can’t go further without low carbon life styles. they are going side by side with each other.

  so what’s low carbon life style?

  let’s look back on our daily life. every morning as soon as you open your eyes, are you used to turn on the lights immediately when the room is bright enough as long as you draw the window curtains apart? is that your habit that when you are brushing your teeth you leave the water tap running on? are you accustomed to setting the temperature of the air conditioner in your office below 26 degrees celsius? in general, a low-carbon lifestyle covers many aspects of our modern life, such as cooking, transportation, home heating, and holiday travel, which can be conducted in a way that gives the maximum reduction of personal carbon emissions. it is a life with low energy, low consumption, low expenses.

  nowadays, in our country, a newly emerging generation----- “low carbon generation” in the metropolis has set a good example for us. traditional clockwork alarm has regained their preference instead of electronic alarm clock; they make sure to turn off the electric equipments like computers or lights after use; they try their clothes under the sunshine while avoiding tumble dryers; what’s more, they jog in the park nearby to replace the 30-min exercise on the electric treadmill; paper cups will no longer be held in our hands and so on. the “low carbon generation” are taking immediate actions in every details of their life to demonstrate that low carbon economy is not the responsibility of governments or companies, but our duty as individuals. so, not only does low carbon life style mean a style of life, it means an attitude towards life.12


相关热搜:英语  演讲稿  

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