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来源:毕业留言 时间:2023-05-28 本文由珠珠 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
毕业留言短句英文 - 毕业留言英文诗


  by annabelle

  within my book of memories,

  are special thoughts of you.

  and all the many nice things

  you often say and do -

  as i turn the pages,

  and recall each single thought,

  i realize the happiness

  that knowing you has brought.

  there are memories of the times we've shared

  both bright and sunny days.

  there are memories of your kindness

  and your friendly thoughtful ways.

  there are memories of all those notes,

  we would write back and forth,

  when we would just get together,

  and talk of this or that.

  and when i recall these memories

  as i go along life's way,

  i find they grow more precious still

  with every passing day.


相关热搜:英文  留言  毕业  

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