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来源:演讲稿范文 时间:2023-08-26 本文由可可 分享 阅读量: 下载这篇文档 手机版
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  i want to send my best wishes to everyone celebrating st george’s day. up and down the country – including here in downing street -- the flag of st george is flying high and celebrations, from the archaic to the eccentric, are taking place. in plymouth, a patriotic festival. in london, a great feast in trafalgar square. in leicester, a medieval re-enactment. and in worcestershire, an annual ‘asparagus run’, to welcome the new harvest.

  st george has been england’s patron saint since 1350. but for too long, his feast day – england’s national day – has been overlooked. today, though, more and more people are coming together on or around april the 23rd, eager to celebrate everything it is to be english.

  and there is much to celebrate. because this is a country whose achievements in industry, in technology, in sport, music, literature and the arts, far outweigh our size. our counties and cities are known the world over: in america, where newcastle brown ale is the most imported ale. in china, where the most popular international football team is from london: arsenal. in australia, where they go mad for a cornish cuisine, the humble pasty. in south korea, where yorkshire-set downton abbey is a tv favourite. and across the globe, where the best-selling band is from liverpool, the beatles.

  this st george’s day, i want us to reflect on one of england’s greatest achievements. its role in the world’s greatest family of nations, the united kingdom.

  in just five months, the people of scotland will go to the polls and decide whether they want to remain a part of this global success story. so let’s prove that we can be proud of our individual nations and be committed to our union of nations. because no matter how great we are alone, we will always be greater together.

  so once again, to everyone across england, i’d like to wish you a very happy st george’s day.

英国首相卡梅伦伊斯兰教斋月英语演讲稿英国演讲稿范文(2) | 返回目录

  i want to send my very best wishes to everyone observing the holy month of ramadan.

  this is an incredibly special time of year for muslims at home and abroad a time for charity, forcontemplation and community.

  first, charity. this is one of the things that islam is all about. here in britain, muslims are ourbiggest donors – they give more to charity than any other faith group. we see this spirit ofgiving all year round from the mosques running sports clubs for local children to the muslimgroups selling poppies for remembrance day, to those people from around the country who puttheir wellies on, rolled their sleeves up, and went to help the families hit hardest by thiswinter's storms.

  ramadan is a time when that spirit comes to the fore and i am so proud when i hear, everyyear, about the millions of pounds raised for good causes for those less fortunate than us herein britain, and those who are suffering in wars and in famines overseas.

  second, ramadan is a time for contemplation to fast, and to pray, and to think deeply aboutothers.

  this ramadan, i hope that we can reflect upon a key aspect of our shared history, the braveryof those who fought and died for our freedoms nearly 100 years ago. just days after eid, we willbe marking 100 years since the first world war. more than a million men and boys from indiafought with our troops during that conflict and many thousands of them were muslims. theytravelled across the world to fight to defend our freedom, guided and sustained by theirbravery, comradeship, and, above all, by their faith. their selflessness and their couragehelped to secure the liberties we all enjoy today, so this ramadan – and this centenary – wewill remember them and reflect upon their sacrifice.

  third, ramadan is a time for community. and there is nothing that exemplifies this more thanthose nightly afters, when the fast is broken, the dates are opened, and all that great food isserved.

  last year i was delighted to see how many community iftars were taking place across thecountry, in mosques and in community centres, in parks and even in tents. again this yeargovernment is supporting the big iftar programme, with hundreds more communities, fromleeds to luton, woking to manchester, throwing open their doors, so that people of all faithsand none can break bread and get to know their neighbours.

  so wherever you are this holy month, let me wish you, once again, ramadan mubarak.

英国首相卡梅伦给伦敦同性恋大游行英语演讲稿英国演讲稿范文(3) | 返回目录

  i want to send my best wishes to everyone here taking part in pride in london, especially all those volunteers who make it possible. since i recorded last year’s message there has been one huge, historic change in britain: the institution of marriage is now open to all. whether you’re a man and a man, a woman and a woman, or a woman and a man, your love for one another is equal in the eyes of the law. since the same-sex couples act came into law in march couples across the country have been demonstrating their love and commitment by tying the knot.

  this would not have been possible without the support of so many people who are at pridetoday. so thank you – you have made history. i’m immensely proud to be the prime minster ofthe country which is – and this is official – the best place in europe to be gay, lesbian, bisexualor transgender.

  but that doesn’t mean our job is done; we cannot be complacent.

  the theme of this year’s pride is ‘freedom’. and i want this to be a country where all childrenare free from the fear of bullying where elderly people have the freedom to be who they arewhere our sportsmen and women have the freedom to achieve; people like tom daley, claireharvey, nicola adams and casey stoney, who proudly represent this country, and where no-oneis at risk of the sickening homophobic attacks that, sadly, still happen on our streets.

  and this isn’t just about britain. we are committed to improving lgbt rights across the world.i have raised my concerns about the treatment of gay people in russia with president putin,and the foreign office presses the case for positive change around the world. the values oftolerance, freedom and respect – these are the values that define us in britain.

  not only should we take great pride in them we should encourage the rest of the world to takeour lead.

查尔斯王子在英国皇家农学院毕业典礼英语演讲稿英国演讲稿范文(4) | 返回目录

  chairman, principal,ladies and gentlemen,

  i couldn't be more pleased to be back at this greatinstitution and to be with you on such a special dayin all your careers. i now realize i have beenpresident of the college for the last thirty years,which makes me feel somewhat ancient, but it alsomeans that i have seen some remarkable changes,including the introduction of a much wider range ofland management courses, achievement of fulluniversity status, and the development of thesplendid rural innovation centre – which i visited two years ago.

  but some things don't change. the careers that you are embarking on are as important now asthey were for your predecessors when this institution was established in 1845, with my greatgreat great grandfather, prince albert, as the first patron. then, as now, there was a pressingneed to provide the best possible education for the people who were going to look after theland. and whichever aspect of farming or land management you have chosen to specialize in,that is, as the principal was saying, a huge responsibility.

  it is absolutely clear, i think, that the most fundamental challenges the world faces over thecoming years will need to be solved by those working in agriculture. feeding an unsustainablygrowing global population of some nine billion people with limited natural resources, whilecoping with the inevitable impacts of climate change and, at the same time, sustainingnature's capacity to sustain us, will be no mean feat. we are now pushing nature's life-support systems so far that they are struggling to cope with what we ask of them. soils arebeing depleted, demand for water is growing ever more voracious and the entire system is atthe mercy of an increasingly fluctuating price of oil.

  when we talk about agriculture and food production, we are talking about a complex andinterrelated system and it is simply not possible to single out just one objective, such asmaximizing production, without also ensuring that the system which delivers those increasedyields meets society's other needs. these must surely include the maintenance of publichealth, the safeguarding of rural employment and small holder farming, the protection of theenvironment and vital natural ecosystems.

  dealing with such daunting challenges will require a different approach – an approach thatputs the protection of natural ecosystems back at the heart of the whole process, so as to seea dramatic improvement in soil health and organic matter and to ensure genuine foodsecurity, not to mention long-term human health. it will also require the very best of humaningenuity, dedication and resourcefulness. and that, to me, is why farming and landmanagement can never be ‘just another industry'.

  you, ladies and gentlemen, will very soon be acting as custodians, or stewards, of a preciousnatural asset on which all of humanity depends and taking decisions in your daily lives that willhave long-term consequences. now i know only too well that you will be faced by endlessfinancial and economic pressures pulling you in the opposite direction, but if i could just ask onething of you, it would be that amidst all the excitement of starting your new jobs you maketime to look around you and try to understand the bigger picture. what has happened in thepast to shape the land the way it is? are you looking at a healthy, diverse and resilientecosystem? and is the balance right between short-term production and long-term health andsustainability? i know those may not be the most obvious things to ask as you start to findyour way around, but they might well be among the most important, at the end of the day.

  in managing rural assets you will also, of course, be playing important roles in ruralcommunities. and i do hope you will also think hard about this human dimension, because thehealth of the agricultural sector and the health of what is left of the rural community aredirectly connected in so many fundamental ways. and i expect this is something you allunderstand very well, but the wider population certainly doesn't.

  for what it's worth, that is why i set up my countryside fund five years ago, to raise money tohelp provide a somewhat more secure future for the most vulnerable people who look afterthe countryside, as well as to begin to tell a story about where our food actually comes from andwho is responsible for producing it. i know that your students union has helped raise money forthe fund and i couldn't be more grateful. it really is an important cause when every part ofthe agricultural sector is confronted by volatility, uncertainty and un-economic returns, so iam delighted to say that the grants we have given out over the last 5 years have just exceeded£6 million, all helping towards the process of maintaining living, productive, workinglandscapes that are better able to support resilient local businesses and strong ruralcommunities.

  ladies and gentlemen, you have my warmest congratulations on being awarded your degreestoday. farming sustains life and is the foundation of any healthy civilization, so you have greatresponsibilities ahead of you, as well as exciting opportunities – as long as you remember to putnature back at the center of all your thinking and professional activities. only that way intoday's world can we hope to create a genuinely sustainable and durable future on this, wehave to remember, our only, miraculous planet. i can only wish you all every possible successin the future.


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