Dear Sirs, We confirm dispatch of your order for Indian rugs,and give the below packing arrangements to facilitate discharge at your end. The letter A,B,and C represent sub marks on the ship’s stowage plan. A.200 Sheets(red) B. 500 sheets (blue)C.300 sheets(yellow). We trust the consignment arrives in good order and give you complete satisfaction. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 现去函确认贵方订购的印度小地毯已发运。为使贵方卸货方便,特作下列包装处理:船装载图案,字母A.B.C代表下列标志。 A.200块(红色) B.500块(蓝色)C.300块(黄色) 我们相信,该寄售产品会完整无缺运达,并令贵方完全满意。
Dear Sirs, We are pleased to confirm receipt of your order for kitchen ware and would advise that dispatch will be by M/V ‘Evergreen’around April 15. This is well within the time you specified.Our bank has confirmed receipt of your draft.For future transaction we are pleased to grant you credit facilities,and shall submit a quaterly statement.Your credit maximum will be @ 10,000. Yours faithfully, 中文对照 敬启者: 贵方订购厨房用具一函已收悉,交由长绿轮承运,并于4月15日出发,特此函告。 我们已在贵方规定时限内完成,且我方银行已确认接到贵方支票。为便于今后联系起见,我们同意贵方按季提出结报书,但是贵方
Dear Sirs, Many thanks for your price-list of March 15.We have now decided to place the enclosed order with you. We have asked the Bank of HongKong,here to open a credit for @ 50,000 in your favour and this will remain valid until August 31,1985.This credit will be confirmed by The Bank of London and they will accept your draft on them at thirty days after sight for the amount of your invoice. The following documents should be attached to your draft: Two Bills of Lading Three commercial Invoices One Insu
每一封信函的往来,都是您跟收信人彼此之间的一次交流。人都是感性的,所以您需要在您的信函里体现感性的一面。然而很多人都有一种误解,以为写作商务信函就应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,于是把一封本来应该是热情而友好的信函写得呆板而死气沉沉。他们宁愿写“your letter has been received”,“your complaint is being looked into”而不是“i have received your letter”或者“we are looking into your complaint”。其实我们简单的来理解一下,每次信函的往来不就是跟对方进行了一次交谈吗?只不过是把交谈的内容写到了纸上而已。多用一些简单明了的语句,用我/我们做主语,这样才能让我们的信函读起来
称呼敬语:如知道对方姓名,就用dear mr./mrs./miss/ms.加上姓,如不知道对方姓名,可用dear sir, dear madam, 也可用:to whom if may concern。如对方职务较高,则最好用其职务名称,如: dear prof. smith, dear dr. henson等。 称呼一家公司就用dear sirs 或gentlemen。
结束敬语:如称呼用dear sir/dear sirs/dear madam", 结束敬语就应用yours faithfully。如称呼用dear mr. john/dear mr. smith, 结束敬语就应用yours sincerely。
例一: 150 kensington road brooklyn,new york 12②,n.y.③ june 10 1985 例二: established 1900 telephone:chicago envelope company cable addre ss: calumet 4251 2901-2917 indiana avenue envelope chicago ref.no. chicago,illinois codes used: march 16 1982 all codes rentley’s pre ferred 注:实例中央上面established 1900是指该公司创立于1900年。因公司的历史悠久,可证明公司的信用良好,所以常常被采用。中间大写的是公司名称“芝加哥信封公司”和公司所在地“伊利诺斯州,芝加哥市印地安街2901-2917号”。左边的细小字(telephone)是电话号码,ref.no(等于correspondence reference no.)是“信件编号”,其用途是便于索引,按此号码可将信件归案存档,因而又可
写作商务信函并不要求您使用华丽优美的词句。所有您需要做的就是,用简单朴实的语言,准确的表达自己的意思,让对方可以非常清楚的了解您想说什么。围绕这一点,我们总结了几方面的内容,希望对您写作商务信函有借鉴作用。 口语化 每一封信函的往来,都是您跟收信人彼此之间的一次交流。人都是感性的,所以您需要在您的信函里体现感性的一面。然而很多人都有一种误解,以为写作商务信函就应该用一种特殊的“生意腔”,于是把一封本来应该是热情而友好的信函写得呆板而死气沉沉。他们宁愿写“Your letter has been received”,“Your complaint is being looked into”而不是“I have received your letter”或者“We are looking into your complaint”。其实我们简单的来理解一下,每次信函的往来不就是跟对方进行了一次交谈吗?只不过是把交谈的内容写到了纸上而已。多用一些简单明了的语句,用我/我们做主语,这样才能让我们的信函读起来热情,友好,就象两个朋友之间的谈话那样简单,自然,人性化。 想象一下,如果您由于无法准时交货而在电话上跟您的合作伙伴表示歉意时,您会怎么
1.the top part of a business letter
日期:date: 23 december
地址:mr. james green
sales manager
bbb plc
55-60 old st, london e6 6hg
称谓:dear mr. green (dear gentlemen, dear sir, dear sirs, dear madam)
2.the body part of a business letter
3. look at the two endings of business letter below. notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.
(1)please let me know if this is convenience.
i look forward to hearing from you.
best wishes
yours sincerely,
ms. gillian janes
personnel nan
1.the top part of a business letter
日期:date: 23 december
地址:mr. james green
sales manager
bbb plc
55-60 old st, london e6 6hg
称谓:dear mr. green (dear gentlemen, dear sir, dear sirs, dear madam)
2.the body part of a business letter
3. look at the two endings of business letter below. notice the useful phrases that are used in these letters.
(1)please let me know if this is convenience.
i look forward to hearing from you.
best wishes
yours sincerely,
ms. gillian janes
personnel nana
各构成要素在信中的排列如下: Letterhead 信头 Reference Number 案号 Date 发信日期 Inside Address 封内名称及地址 Particular Address 特定收信人名称住址 Salutaion 称呼 Letter Subject 信件事由 Body 信文 Complimentary Close 结尾敬语 Signature 署名 Reference Notation 经办人 Enclosure 附件 Postscript 附言 函件中的称呼: 英文函件中的称呼(Salutation )相当于我国书信中的"先生"这一礼貌称呼,公司等商业书信的尊称以Sirs,Dear Sirs,Gentlemen最为常见。Sirs是较为正式的礼貌称呼,通常用于公文中。 Dear Sirs──用于称呼公司。英国人习惯上比较喜欢用Dear Sirs,而且Dear Sirs后用逗号。 ________________________________________________________________ 范例: 市长先生,女士们,先生们: 我们很高兴来到你们可爱的城市──