


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Ladies and gentlemen:

  Welcome future millionaires!

  I'm here to talk about money.

  We all need money.

  We all want to be rich.

  We all want to make a fortune.

  Money doesn't grow on trees.

  Money doesn't come easily.

  Let me tell you how to save money.

  First,you must be frugal.

  You should be careful with your money.

  You should be a conservative spender.

  Live within your means.

  Live within your budget.

  Never spend more than you make.

  Look before you leap.

  Manage money wisely.

  Don't let money burn a hole in your p


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Ladies and gentlemen.

  Thank you for being here.

  My topic is "How to lose weight."

  So many of us are overweight.

  So few know how to slim down.

  Let me share some strategies that work!

  Forget so-called experts and crazy methods.

  Forget miracle pills,gadgets and gimmicks.

  Listen carefully and I'll set you straight!

  To lose weight you must start in your mind.

  You must make a decision to change.

  You must dig deep down and decide you'll do it.

  Be very determined to work hard.

  Be disciplined enough to commit.

  You mu


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Welcome and hello.

  it's great to have you here.

  Let me tell you how to be popular.

  We all want to be liked and admired.

  We all want to be surrounded by friends.

  Here's how to achieve that goal.

  Just be yourself.

  Act the way you want to be treated.

  Popularity will come your way.

  First,improve your appearance.

  Start exercising daily.

  Start eating responsibly.

  Being healthy feels great.

  Being healthy gives you confidence.

  Being in shape attracts people to you.

  Be neat and well-dressed.

  Be clean and well-groo


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Ladies and gentlemen:

  I'm glad you could make it.

  I'd like your attention,please.

  I have five words of advice.

  They'll improve your life.

  They are "Prevention is better than cure."

  This means plan ahead.

  Expect the unexpected.

  Anticipate trouble in advance.

  A solution canbe costly.

  A remedy can be too late.

  Avoid problems before they happen.

  Americans like to say,

  "Prepare for a rainy day."

  "Prepare for tough times and bad luck."

  Here are three prevention tips.

  They are priceless suggestions.

  They are wor


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Good day ladies and gentlemen.

  Let me atrat with a popular saying.

  "You never get a second chance to make a first impression."

  My speech is titled,"How to Sell Yourself."

  It means how to market your best features.

  It means how to present yourself in the best light.

  Hrer are some tips.

  Please listen and learn.

  Learn how to sell yourself.

  Most importantly,look like a winner.

  Look like you're going to the top.

  Project a professional appearance.

  Dress in quality clothes.

  Dress with a conservative style.

  Be well-


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  It's time to begin.

  I appreciate your attention.

  I hope you'll enjoy my speech.

  I have important advice.

  I have employment tips to share.

  Let me tell you how to find a good job.

  Dacide what makes you happy.

  Decide what you love to do.

  Then,find a way to excel in that career.

  The first step is to lay the groundwork.

  Get a decent education.

  Get a solid foundation of knowledge.

  Be able to write and speak well.

  Be an excellent communicator.

  Be computer literate and technically up-to-date.

  Know what skills you p


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Ladies and gentlemen.

  I'd like to welcome everyone.

  I'm here to teach you how to say no.

  I use to be a "yes person."

  I thought it was impolite to say no.

  I was a chronic "people-pleaser."

  I finally came to my senses.

  I found the courage to be honest!

  Let me tell you now what I learned.

  First,you must face reality.

  You can't say yes to every request!

  You must realize it's impossible!

  You can't be everywhere at once!

  You can't do everything all the time.

  You'll fail or go crazy for sure.

  You can't do too much


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  What is One Breath English?

  Dear ladies and gentlemen:

  Thank you for the warm welcome.

  It's an honor to be here today.

  I'm here on a mission.

  I have an important message.

  I'm convinced it will change your life.

  English is everywhere.

  English is a key to success.

  We must learn and master it.

  So many of us study English like hell.

  So few of us can speak it well.

  What do you think is the reason?

  The problem is right here!(Point to your brain)

  The problem is remembering.

  The problem is that we forget what we le


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Ladies and gentlemen:

  Greetings and welcome.

  I'm so glad you're here today.

  Here's some advice.

  Cherish your job.

  Appreciate it like a gift.

  It's your "bread and butter."

  It's your opportunity to shine.

  Hrer's how to enjoy your "9 to 5."

  First,master your job.

  Be fully qualified.

  Be an expert at every task.

  Try to increase your efficiency.

  Try to do more every day.

  Always push yourself to improve.

  Strive for perfection.

  Strive to be the best.

  Your sense of achievement will soar.

  Second,have faith in your


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Good day,everybody.

  I'm excited to be here.

  I have advice about frienship.

  Friendship is precious.

  Friendship makes life wonderful.

  Life is too short to lose a friend.

  Sometimes friends disagree.

  Sometimes argument happen.

  Here's how to avoid a breakup.

  First,apologize when you're wrong.

  Apologize when you're right.

  It doesn't matter who is to blame.

  We all make mistakes.

  We all have regrets.

  Say you're sorry;forgive and forget.

  Be sincere in your apology.

  Really mean what you say.

  Chances are your friend