my future will be bright
i have a belief deep down within my heart that my future will be bright.
my future will be bright with all my loving families. whether time find us far apart or it keeps us close together, they are always standing by my side.
my future will be bright with all the close and caring friends of mine. whenever i am sad and down, i know they would hold my hands and warm my heart.
my future will be bright with the belief in brighter days. life doesn’t always play by rules, and we must face the fact t
英语演讲稿:My future
As the song goes “ My future isn’t a dream .” I love the song which brings me confidence when singing it every time . I believe that all our dreams can come true if we have courage to pursue them .When I was young my father always asked me what I would be in the future . Sometimes I found it very hard to give a certain reply . “ I want to be a doctor .” “ I want to be a teacher .” and “ I ’d like to be a scientist !” Many of these answers are perhaps very childish and ridiculous . But I never think they
“good morning! ladies and gentlemen”.
today, the title of my speech is “what life is about”
as we all know, the most important thing in life is our attitude towards it, lots of men have tried different ways of treating life, and some succeeded, some failed, and here are some of the tips they left us. life isn’t about keeping score. life isn’t about your shoes or your hair or the color of your skin. in fact it’s not about if you have lots of friends or if you are alone, and it&rs
good morning!
greeting the cool morning breeze, soaking with warm sunshine, in this bright, warm and mature in august, we brought glory and dream, with pride and gratification, students studying together in the holy land, the cradle of the pillars of growth - - experimental junior sheyang county, where our new life began sailing.
autumn is a fruitful season, we will gain fruitful results here; autumn is a season of planting, we are here to sow new hope. in such a beautiful season, we are very honored to be a junior trai
Distinguished judges, teachers, dear friends:
Hello, everyone! My name is cheng xiang yan , I am a junior student come from life science institution .Today, I am very glad to stand here and share with you my most sincere speech'Flying youth, master our future!'
Life is a process of growing up. Saying goodbye to childhood, we step into another important time of life in the p
1. 经过一学期来的不懈努力,你已成为争取进步的好学生,新的学习生活已经在你面前展开,愿你驾驶着装满知识的巨轮,树起理想的风帆,擎着奋斗的指南针,抵达科学的彼岸。 xx你是一个平凡而又朴实的女孩,我经常看见你和许多同学有说有笑,说明你人很投缘,你有强烈的集体荣誉感,对待班级总是很投入,力争为班级争荣誉。你也是个认真、自觉的女孩,对待学习毫不怠慢,只是你上课时的注意力不太集中,平时的基础太差,所以你失去了学习的兴趣。愿你注意改掉这些问题,奋发上进。
2. 你是我心目中比较认真、善于自学的男孩,你的思维敏捷,学习成绩稳中有升,对学习充满信心,但又是个令人捉摸不透、思想起伏不定的男孩,有时脾气有点暴躁,常常“让我欢喜让我忧”,所幸的是,你早已醒悟,品德也在进步。愿你执着、上进!
3. 你很聪明,也很灵气,你本来不应该是一个普普通通的学生,只可惜你太贪玩,上课时注意力不太集中。课堂上的回答声音是那么小,能大
Good afternoon! My dear teachers and friends. My name is Li Wenwen.I’m fourteen years old.In class 8,grade 1.
Different people has different dreams. Someone wants to be a doctor. Someone wants to be a basketball player,because he is good at sports. Someone wants to be a writer, because he likes writing. Someone wants to be a teacher because he likes teaching children.
What do I want to do when I’m older?
You see,I like
people are like tea bags—you have to put them in hot water before you know how strong they are." i can still remember the words that dad said to me years ago.
when i was young, i used to be very naughty. life then was like a glaball ,shining with bright colours. i had once gone down to the river bank, catching a great many worms and was afterwards punished by mum. i had ever cut the pillow towel into pieces in order to make clothes for my dolls. similarly, i was then blamed seriously. once i even put the hot iron on the