


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  April 13,2000    P.O. Box 36  Tsinghua University  Beijing,China 100084    Dear Sir/Madam:  Your advertisement for a Network Maintenance Engineer in the April 10 Student Daily interested me bacause the position that you described sounds exactly like the kind of job I am seeking.    According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System. I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements. I will be gra


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  April 13,2000  Room 212 Building 343  Tsinghua University,Beijing 100084    Ms. Yang:    I was referred to you by Mr. Zhang, a Partner with your Beijing office, who informed me that the Shanghai office of your company is actively seeking to hire quality individuals for your Auditor Program.    I have more than two years of accounting experience, including interning as an Auditor last year with the Beijing office of CCCC. I will be receiving my MBA this May from Tsinghua University. I am confident that my combination of pr


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  April 13,2000    P.O. Box 36  BIIT University  Beijing,China 100000    Dear Sir/Madam:  Now and then corporations send out feelers for just the right type of creative person. This person must fit very specific criteria. Usually, after all is said and done, the corporation wants a business person who can manage, create and communicate. A seasoned professional who's been around for a while.    If you've been looking for this rare combination of business savvy and design expertise, my background might interest you:    Ten ye


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  April 13,2000    P.O. Box 36  BIIT University  Beijing,China 100000    Dear Sir/Madam:    Are you searching for a telecommunications manager with expertise in project management and team leadership?    I specialize in creating and implementing high-performance strategies that directly impact growth and profitability of large telecommunications companies. In addition to my knowledge of business processes, I also offer proficiency in telecom software development and cutting-edge technologies.    I am relocating to Shenzhen


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  April 13,2000    P.O. Box 36  BIIT University  Beijing,China 100000    Dear Sir/Madam:    Please consider me for your Sales Management Program. My background is one of selling ideas, concepts and programs, and of motivating myself and others to realize our potential.    Attitudes predict behavior - or so goes the saying in sales. If this holds true, I am sure to be as successful in sales management as I am in my college endeavors. My unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achiev


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】






【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】



  Dear Sir,

  I have learned from China Daily that your company is looking for a secretary who is fluent in English I would like to apply for the post.

  My name is Fu Tao and I'm 25, I've been working as an English guide since I graduated from the English Department of Zhejiang University four years ago. I am hard working and I have learned to operate computer and I can type both in English and Chinese. I seek a position more challenging and with m


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  842 Bigelow StreetDoverNew HampshireHastings &Johnson Company92 Summer StreetBoston, MassachusettsGentlemen, Please consider this letter my application for the position of bookkeeper in your accounting department, which was advertised in the Boston Traveler of J une 14.I shall graduate the last of this month from the Dover High School, having co mpleted the four-year commercial course. I have attained an average of 89 in all of my Courses.For the past three summers, I have been employed in the office of the Walter Gog gin


【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】









【diyifanwen.cc - 第一范文网】

  Dear Sirs,

  Please allow me to apply for the position of office clerk which you advertised in "Yangcheng Evening News" of April 9.

  I am 28 years of age and unmarried. After receiving my B.B.A. from Xiamen University, I worked for three years as an office clerk at China Great Wall Computer Group (Shenzhen) Company.

  For the last two years I have been a secretary to the General Manager of Haicheng Foodstuffs Company, Ltd. in Shenzhen. I am looking for a position of office clerk to increase my experience in busine